3307 Results for Year = "1928"
jump to filter-optionsʿAl has-sefînā ham-miṭṭārefet bay-yām! / dos Tzijonisṭiše Tzenṭral-Wahlkomiṭe
Wien : Zionistisches Zentral-Wahlkomitee, [1928]... Jahresbericht des Vereins Jüdisches Museum e.V. zu Breslau Vol. 1 (29/03/1928). 1. Jahresbericht (29.3.1928 - 30.9.1929)
Verein Jüdisches Museum <Breslau>Breslau : Schatzky ; Breslau : Schatzky, 1. (29. März 1928/30. September 1929)-2. (1. Oktober 1929/30. September 1931) [?], 1928-, [1929-1931]- The Document may only be accessed from the library's premises
2 Poems by Peretz Hirshbein. 1. A Malech Veint 2. Yamen Roishen / צוויי דיכטונגען. פרץ הירשביין. 1. א מלאך וויינט 2.ימען רוישען
Hirschbein, PeretzNew York : Metro Music, 1928- The Document may only be accessed from the library's premises
- The Document may only be accessed from the library's premises